Why I decide to start a freelancer journey

Why I decide to start a freelancer journey

1.Trigger Point

In the Talk Show Season 5 theme episode "To idle or keep stuck in the rat race", NiaoNiao said:

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1. 大学以来,我连这种应试教育训练出来的解题能力都渐渐丧失了,或是从没想到过在考试场景外运用这种能力将生活中其他问题也一一转化迁移为一个个目的性的考题。
2. 鸟鸟说,”生活像是一直在嘲讽我们,’略略略略略‘“,躺和卷这个主题,给我们有选择的假象。作为00后,即使没有经历社会毒打,我也已然通过互联网了解了很多可能即将经历的事,悲观的虚空主义一度让我陷入迷茫、摆烂,无法自拔。所以我开始思考,到底有没有一种选择能让我真正的快乐、自由。
3. 躺的时候想卷,想卷的时候想躺,总是左右为难。引起我的共鸣,而我需要Work hard,play hard.

As a "small-town swot", I was very touched by the following points:
1.Since the beginning of college, I have gradually lost the ability to solve problems trained by exam-oriented education, and I have never thought of using this ability outside the examination scene to transform other problems in life into several purposeful examination questions.
2.NiaoNiao said, "Life seems to be mocking us all the time," and the theme of "To idle or keep stuck in the rat race" gives us the illusion that we have the right to choose. As a post-00s generation, even if I didn't experience social beatings, I have already learned a lot about what I was about to experience through the Internet. The pessimism once left me confused and unable to extrude myself. So I began to wonder if there is a choice that would make me truly happy and free.
3.There is always a dilemma between wanting to strive when idling and wanting to idle when you want to strive. It resonates with me, but I need to Work hard and play hard.


地铁上刷到一条数字游民小姐姐Chestnut的分享,突然觉得这就是我要找的路。 再搜了下知乎,发现中国数字游民部落,数字游民部落,看了几篇过来人的分享。 其实不是第一次接触digital nomad这个概念,可能是快要面临毕业的选择,想提前紧紧抓住这根生存的绳索。
After brushing a message of digital nomad Chestnut on the subway, it strikes me that this is the way I am looking for. Then I searched ZhiHu and found A Chinese Digital Nomad Blog, and read several articles shared by people who worked as digital nomads. In fact, this is not the first time I know the concept of digital nomad.May be facing the choices after graduation makes me want to grasp this rope of survival in advance.


3.First Try


I went to see the remote work platform recommended by Chestnut. First, I experienced the process of applying for work at upwork. Under the current situation of lacking professional skills, I found my native Chinese language ability could be useful.



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